Friday, July 13, 2012


"Gnana means that you must know yourself. 
If you do not know yourself, you do not know anything. 
So it comes to that - 
you must get your Self-realization. 
You must know your Self.”

-Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The Sanskrit word gnana (also spelled gnyanajnana, jnyana) is translatable to English 'knowledge' and Greek gnosis. The 'k' in knowledge was not silent in Old English, and so the three words, in different languages all start with a similar sound. 
Gnyana, has the added dimension of meaning: knowledge of the Self, and is used in a number of different Indian religions. The idea of jnana centers around a cognitive event which is recognized when experienced. It is knowledge inseparable from the total experience of reality, especially a total reality, or supreme being.
In the Vedas, the most ancient scriptures of India, Gnyana means true knowledge, that jiva (one's individual self or soul) is identical with Brahman (universal Self, ultimate reality). Real knowledge leads to knowledge of Brahman, while false or speculative knowledge diverts one from knowledge of Brahman.

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