Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has identified the various regions of the Earth that correspond to the seven Chakras, the Kundalini, and the Void. I noticed that the succession of Empires and cultures throughout history seems to follow a path of ascent through the chakras, but in a serpentine fashion, alternating from left to right. And I thought to make this tentative diagram. I am not making any judgments here about the morality of these empires and superpowers, they each had their day in the sun, then dissolved, though some of their influence continued. The concept of a world government is controversial, I know. I see the final, future Sahasrara stage, not as an authoritarian 'New World Order', but as a spiritual union of equals, various countries and cultures, with, perhaps, a centre of government in the Himalayan region, where the large, populous nations: China, the former Soviet Union and India meet.
Note: the Left Agnya is on the right side of the head, as the Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadis cross over at the sixth centre. The Australian aborigines did not have an empire as such, but their culture and deep spirituality arose many thousands of years ago, and must have had a subtle influence on the development of humankind.
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