Sunday, December 19, 2021

Exchange between Sri Dnyanadeva and His Teacher

Sant Jnanadeva


Nivruttinath says, Oh Dnyanadeva, 

you are purified by Self-realisation.

By understanding the Self, 

you and your devotion have become

one with the Universe. 

The doubts and division 

between you and God 

have disappeared.

Reigning in your mind, 

God has appeared in your heart. 

Now with His omnipresence, 

there is no emptiness.

Nivruttinath says, Oh Dnyanadeva, 

you are purified by Self-realisation.

The brightness of this light of knowledge 

has outshined everything else in this world,

and the flames of desires inside you 

are extinguished.

Nivruttinath says, Oh Dnyanadeva, 

you are purified by Self-realisation.

With the disappearance of these desires, 

the whole world is filled with God’s presence.

Nivruttinath says, Oh Dnyanadeva, 

you are purified by Self-realisation.

Dnyanadeva says, with the ultimate teachings 

of Nivruttinath, 

Dnyanadeva realised complete 

mercy and contentment